Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Thin Skin

So fragile is the heart of a love struck 4 year old.

Don't most boys think girls have cooties by this age? Not mine! He wants to share sitting space, and tell secrets to and sit around and think about girls... two in particular. One at his preschool and one in our neighborhood.

The one at preschool, I don't much have a problem with. She's younger than him by a few months; however, the one in the neighborhood is 8! Yikes! An older woman! I'm afraid this one might break his heart one day, it's so easily broken right now. At this point, she just giggles at his advances which amount to high fives and sitting beside her at popsicle time. As time passes, though, she may decide he's more annoying than cute.

Last night he ran out to the street to say hi to one of his neighborhood friends and came back in tears. When I prodded to see what had happened, he said that she didn't let him say hi to her and she said she hated his shirt. I can't imagine this little girl saying that, it just doesn't seem like her. I told him that sometimes people say things we don't like and we just have to learn to deal with that. Maybe she was having a bad day, maybe she didn't feel well. After some more talking, he jumped up and said, "MOM! I've got it! Maybe she didn't have a good nap today!" LOL Whatever works, son.

As much as it breaks my heart, I realize my son will have his feelings hurt from time to time in life. That doesn't make me stop wanting to lock him in the house and protect him forever, though; however, I know I have to teach him how to deal with life's little disappointments... and sometimes life's big disappointments... but how?