Yes, my poor deprived child has never been sleigh riding. It was honestly too dangerous at the other house and he was really too young. And last winter, we really didn't have enough snow to go sleigh riding... Not so this year!
Walking to the neighbor's house...
I was freaking out (on the inside) the first time he went down the hill. I was afraid he would get scared and try to get up halfway through the hill.... When I heard him giggling the entire way, I knew he'd be okay. LOL
Thursday, February 22, 2007
First sleigh ride
Posted by Sarah at 9:16 PM 0 comments
The newest couch potato
Sam has just recently started actually paying attention to TV and sitting down and watching shows. Before, the TV would be on and he might pay attention every few minutes, but he was always engaged in something else
Well, now.....
Posted by Sarah at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Working hard or hardly working
He found this office set at Target one day and it was so danged cute I just had to get it for him. It has everything, right down to business cards, name badge, fake doughnut and a picture frame!
Checking his messages...
Returning calls...
Iritated because I was taking pictures of him "at work."
Posted by Sarah at 9:10 PM 0 comments
More Clay Center fun!
Sam has absolutely fallen in love with the Clay Center. Of course, I should have taken him there MUCH sooner, but I knew the crowds would drive both of us crazy. Now that the novelty has worn off for the public, the crowds are not so bad now.
Ahhh, the treasured ball pit! They've pretty much taken these out of any and all play areas around here simply because... well, they are disgusting. However, I know for a fact that this thing is cleaned quite often and is closely monitored. It has a bucket on a pulley thing and I swear he could have stayed there all day.
He buried his friend Connor!
Then they threw balls at each other. LOL
... getting them all set up correctly...
This thing is cool!
Playing in the water area. This thing was a pulley that collected water in old army boots and dumped it at the top... Again, he could have stayed there for hours!
The "water wall" as he called it.
Drying off after playing in the water area...
Gooooing up!
See anyone familiar in the TV on the left?
Giving a very serious news cast. It was everything I could do not to crack up laughing. He was dead dog serious giving a news cast complete with weather, traffic and the day's events. He's so cute I can't stand it!
We were in the cafe and some clowns were going around doing magic tricks and he just absolutely refused to even look at them. It was sad and cute all at the same time.
Sharing popcorn with Connor
Posted by Sarah at 8:50 PM 0 comments
My funny Valentine
Here is a picture from his first Valentine's Day. He was almost 5 months old.
And here is where we are now... my funny, lovable Valentine. I couldn't be more blessed.
Posted by Sarah at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Feel the THUNDERRRRRR!!!!!!
Ron and Sam went to the Monster Jam monster truck show this past weekend! They had a blast! Of course I equipped them with the headphones you wear while shooting guns and ear plugs. LOL I'm just a little overprotective. LOL

Here he is with a couple more trucks.... and his goofy smile. LOL

Posted by Sarah at 2:38 PM 0 comments