We knew we were testing our luck living in the 100-year flood plain; however, we didn't think it would happen so soon!
Thankfully, no one was hurt and it didn't get into any of the homes in our subdivision, but it did shut down travel for a couple days.
Sunday afternoon (4/15/2007), I sent Ron and Sam to Wal-Mart to pick up a few groceries... and so I could get some cleaning done while they were gone. They'd been gone about 15 minutes and Ron called. I just figured he had forgotten something that I had told him. He said they had been driving around the neighborhood and that we were flooded in.
WHAT??? It had been raining for a couple days, but I never expected for the river to flood. So, they picked me up and took me out to show me.
This picture is taken from the entrance to our subdivision, looking left toward Route 214.
This one is on Little Coal River Road down by the stables. 

This is the drainage culvert running through our subdivision.
And this is directly across the street from where the previous picture was taken... the empty lot that the contractor is still trying to sell! LOL
And this is Sam giddy because he is getting to ride in the front seat of the car while we look at the flood water.
Good post.
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