Monday, January 8, 2007

15 years and still going strong

No, it's not Ron and I that have been together for 15 years. 15 years ago I was graduating high school... Oy, did I really just admit to that?

Anyway, 15 years ago today Ron received his lifesaver. He received his kidney and islet cell transplant. To celebrate, as we usually do, he has Krispy Kreme donuts waiting on him in his office (as does his entire division) and we will have filet mignon for dinner. The filet is because he was only allowed very limited protein portions while on dialysis so we always have a big ole steak on this day!

Before I met Ron, I wasn't really sure of my position on organ and tissue donation. I kind of thought that God put me on earth with these organs and that was the way I was leaving. But once I met and fell in love with Ron I realized that I would not have this man if it weren't for someone's decision to donate their organs and tissues. Had that woman not checked that box on her license and let her family know of her decision, I wouldn't have had to privilige of meeting Ron. Yes, unfortunately, someone had to die for Ron to live, but that woman helped 22 people post mortem. That's amazing to me.

What's even more amazing to me is that I couldn't see the benefits of organ donation before. My entire family have changed their minds concerning donating their organs. My dad's excuse was that he had so many things wrong with him, they wouldn't be able to use anything anyway. Not true, you have skin don't you? They can use your skin for skin grafts for burn victims and victims of other injuries and maladies.

One point though, checking the box on your license and carrying an organ donor card is important; however, that is not your last line of defense. Your family members can override your decision once you have passed. Please let your family members know of your wishes and have them written in a legal document. It would be a shame to miss out on these opportunities because of a simple lack of communication and understanding.

I'm not posting this as a soapbox for organ donation (no one reads this anyway). It's just my way of reminding myself how lucky I am to have been given the opportunity to have Ron in my life. We live under a constant tension of what "could happen" or what the future holds... how long will it last? Will we be able to find another one? But we can't dwell on those questions. We dwell on the fact that he is happy and healthy today and that's really all we can ask for.