I feel like a gremlin that can't look directly at bright light.
Somehow, in a family not plagued by headaches, I have become the recipient of some terrible, spun with evil gene that causes headaches. Not just your run-of-the-mill, "Oh dear, I might have a touch of a headache. Two Tylenol will surely cure it," headache. Nooooo, that would be too much like right. I get the, "Oh my God, is my brain on the outside of my head; stop poking me in the ear with that icepick; I think I'm gonna be sick; turn all the lights off and shut up; take two of my best 'knock me out' pills, put an ice bag on my head and die" headaches, aka The migraine!!!
They are brutal, they hurt, they make me sick and it seems like I get them alllllllll the time! Yes, I've been to the doctor, to the neurologist, to the physical therapist, to the gynocologist (I know, wrong end, but I'm desperate!) to the chiropractor.... any other questions? They all say the same thing.

The same stupid looking shrug and they write me another prescription for a medication that does nothing but knock my butt flat out. Now, when I was single with no children that wasn't a problem. Now, I have a husband who expects certain things.... oh don't go there, get your mind outta the gutter. And a son who expects mommy to be "on" all the time... and I want to be "on" for my son, but these headaches are absolutely debilitating. I have a high tolerance for pain and I can work through a LOT. I was raised with the mantra, "You do what you have to do," and I live that way now; however, if you've never had one of these God foresaken things, I'm sorry, but you just can't relate.
Ok, I'll stop bitching now.... mainly because I'm probably about to go home, use up some sick leave just to take some medicine, knock myself out and sleep it off. Oy.
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