Sunday, January 21, 2007

I want to help!

As a parent have you ever thought you would hate to hear the words, "I want to help," from your child? It's not that I hate the words necessarily, but I do dread them.

At first, it was cute and a photo opportunity. Awww, Sam is helping mommy cook, vacuum, do laundry, put away clothes, load/unload the dishwasher, clean the floors, pick up the house, set the table, whatever. Now, that he is an invincible four year old, he thinks he can do it all without any help whatsoever.

And if I try to stall him or get him interested in something else so I can get whatever I need to do done.... WATCH OUT!! the proverbial crap will inevitably hit the fan. Can I punish him just because he wants to help out? That doesn't seem quite right. I'd be cutting my nose off despite my face if I did that, wouldn't I? However, I know that by the age where he can really do some good, he won't be so eager to help out.

I didn't get to complete one task this weekend that I didn't have "help" on. I know what you are going to say, "Give him something just to keep him occupied. Let him wash measuring cups in the sink or fold washclothes... something of no real consequence." Yeah, well, he sees right through that!

I guess I should be happy... but what I wouldn't give to be able to fix one dinner or do one load of laundry to completion alllllll by myself.... I know I'm going to eat those words in a few years.