We finally took Sam to the Clay Center... we are such bad parents. LOL We only went to see the Elmo:The Body exhibit, though because it ended at the end of the year.
He thoroughly loved this thing!! I am so sorry we waited so long to take him. I should have known! His absolute favorite parts were the grocery store and the poop machine. I mean, c'mon, what kid wouldn't love a poop machine?
Here he is talking to Elmo (or some other such character) on the phone.... Whew! Did my baby need a haircut or what???

And here he is (another day, still needing a haircut) doing an interactive activity about the body.

The beloved grocery store... He just loved that place. It truly is a shame that the Clay Center does not have an area like this all the time. He could, and did, spend HOURS in here!

They also had a little sandwich shop where the kids could don aprons and make "sandwiches" for whomever happened to be sitting at the luncheon counter. The sandwich fixins were made of wood with a hole in the middle and there were "plates" with a wooden rod standing up on them, and that was how they made the sandwiches. Sam really liked it here too, until he figured out that the cash register didn't work and then the magic was gone. *shrug*
And heeeere's the Poop Machine.
Now, this thing was truly digusting. First of all, it made disgusting gutteral noises of which I'm sure you can imagine. Then, in that little window (you can see the top of the little window right about his badly needing a hair cut head) was poop. It would move like on a little vertical conveyer belt in that little window.... And there was one part that that diiiidn't quite fit through the hole and it would smush and squeeze until it made its way through. I'm telling you, I just about lost my lunch when I saw that thing.
And I just love the face he's making in this one.

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